Pu’u Ola’i, also known as Red Hill, is a dome-like cinder cone backing Maui’s well known Little Beach.
This is our half-way point and a great spot for a small break after exploring Molokini. Blue Lagoon is a protected cove great for hanging out and drifting before more adventures.
Next, we’ll Seafari™ at a Pu’u Ola’i Cove, a shallow area where you’ll see shells galore amidst the crystal clear water. As we swim around Pu’u Ola’i Point, we’re often greeted by a gang of chub fish that call this area home.
Then we make our way to The Cove and then to Coral Forest. These spots are filled with a variety coral and fish we don’t see anywhere else! Keep your eyes peeled for turtles, eagle rays and a variety of colorful fish.
4 Snorkel Spots in Pu’u Ola’i
Blue Lagoon
After all the snorkeling in Molokini it may be time for a rest, so we take a small break at the Blue Lagoon. This tranquil hook of lava is a protected cove inside Makena State Park next to Big Beach. The depth and sand channels create breathtaking blue and turquoise water not seen anywhere else around Maui. We like to spend time here not only for its beauty but because here we see the highest concentration of Humuhumunukunukuapua`a, the beautiful state fish of Hawaii. But be on the lookout for green sea turtles as well, as they like to hang out along the shoreline where their favorite snack grows. Keep in mind that these gentle creatures are a protected species, therefore, by law all humans must remain at least 10 feet away.
Pu’u Point
Just to the north and around the corner from Little Beach, Pu’u Point has several little inlets, rock formations and underwater structures, meaning there’s lots to explore along the shallow shoreline. Just 20 feet off this rocky shore the ocean drops to about 25 feet deep, making it the perfect area to catch a glimpse of manta rays and spotted eagle rays as they cruise by.
The Cove
The Cove is our niece and crew member Bailey’s favorite spot for good reason. It is a treasure chest full of a wide variety of beautiful shells that get washed into this small, shallow area. At just 6 to 8 feet deep, the Cove provides you with a warm spot for a leisurely and beautiful swim.
Coral Forest
Around the corner from the Cove is small bay called Coral Forest, which is just off Makena’s Black Sand Beach. The draw here is the abundance and variety of coral, which hosts sea life in about 10-20 feet of water. The sand channels are home for flounder, small eels, and large schools of black chubs.